Philosophy of St. Gertrude School
St. Gertrude Catholic School is a ministry of St. Gertrude Catholic Church. The school is an integral part of the parish. It enhances the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, moral, social, emotional, and physical needs of our full and part-time students. Its distinctive purpose is to relate all human culture and knowledge to the Good News of Salvation.
Our endeavor is to help each other become aware of God's presence. We strive to be a Christ-centered community where everyone feels needed and loved as children of God.
We believe that education is the enabling of persons to reach the fullness of their potential as individuals created in God's image, and assisting them to direct their gifts toward the building of a better world now and in the future.
We believe that education should include instruction and experience in peace and justice.
It is our belief that the home environment is the crucial factor in determining the children's overall performance. The impact of parents is primary in the educational process. We build on the early foundations and habits set at home.